viernes, 13 de julio de 2012


Muchísima gente no cree en el cambio. Suelen creer en la voz interior que dice "no puedo" o "no soy lo suficientemente bueno", que simplemente son realistas, y no es así. Simplemente es una proyección negativista. Una persona negativa ve que otros son exitosos y felices y tienden a decir : "Que suerte tienen ..!." No es sólo suerte. Ellos han trabajado duramente y durante mucho tiempo para llegar a donde están. Tienen una mentalidad que les lleva a conseguir sus metas. Todos podemos cambiar nuestra manera de pensar. Así que adelante!

Lot of people don't think they can change. These people often believe that the inner voice that says "I can't" or "I'm not good enough" isn't being negative but is simply realistic. It isn't. It's you projecting your habit of being negative. A negative person will look at others who are successful and happy and say, "They're just lucky." They're not just lucky. They've worked diligently for a long time to get where they are. They had a certain mentality that drove them to do what they did. You, too, can call up that drive and you can change. Go ahead!

One of my great passions (Elegance effort and discipline)

So, hope u spend a motivational weekend!! Fashion forever*

Naiara Cruz